Harrison 연수구 옥련동


Harrison님의 거래 후기 목록

  • 바벨
    미추홀구 주안1동

    He has a good impression ^^ It was a good deal for you to come in person Always take care of your health A good person always stays with a good person Bless you.....

    He has a good impression ^^
It was a good deal for you to come in person
Always take care of your health
A good person always stays with a good person
Bless you.....
  • 탈퇴한 사용자

    탈퇴한 사용자

    감사합니다 조심히가세요!

  • 제니스
    남동구 고잔동


  • 쑝쑝
    미추홀구 용현동

    It was a good deal! Be careful of COVID-19^^

  • 쮸쮸시검
    서구 아라동

    Thanks for your kind deal. Happy new year. I wish you all the best.

  • 바나나
    연수구 송도4동

    Thank you. Get home safely😀

  • 아출근하기싫어
    김포시 마산동

    It must be hard to come to another country. I hope that Korea will be remembered as a place where people with warm hearts live. Be careful of COVID-19. Have a warm end of the year.

  • 윤발
    중구 항동1가

    I hope you have a great end of the year and wish you all the best in the new year. We wish.

  • 영국남자
    연수구 송도1동


  • 영국남자
    연수구 송도1동


  • 간장씨
    연수구 청학동


  • 쌀별
    남동구 만수동

    thx ~!!