Looking for cards to trade! I have the holos in picture 1 and reverse holos in picture 2. I also have plenty of non-holo commons that can be added for trade as well (willing to trade plenty for any missing rares/uncommons). Preference for Reverse holos for commons and holos for uncommons. Meet near University & Dundas. I am looking for the following list of cards: 004 - Charizard EX 014 - Kakuna 024 - Arbok EX 038 - Ninetales EX 039 - Jigglypuff 040 - Wigglytuff EX 047 - Parasect 052 - Meowth 065 - Alakazam EX 067 - Machoke 075 - Graveler 076 - Golem EX 077 - Ponyta 080 - Slowbro 087 - Dewgong 091 - Cloyster 093 - Haunter 099 - Kingler 103 - Exeggutor 110 - Weezing 112 - Rhydon 115 - Kangaskhan EX 117 - Seadra 120 - Staryu 124 - Jynx EX 140 - Kabuto 141 - Kabutops 144 - Articuno 145 - Zapdos EX 148 - Dragonair 151 - Mew EX 161 - Giovanni's Charisma 162 - Grabber
- ConditionNew