Salmon and Steelhead Twitching Jigs and Drifting jigs (SINGLES AND BOXES AVAILABLE) (BOX OF 10PC,12PC,14,PC,16PC) (MIX AND MATCH) ATTENTION: There has been a shortage of supplies at the moment, if you are in no rush for this product please inform me to put you on the waiting list. New supplies will arrive in 10-12 days. If you are still interested after this time period you will receive an additional 5pcs of any kind, for free. Your patience is greatly valued. Multiple colours/patterns/variations available (See Individual listings for more colours/more photos and details) 1/2Oz/14gram jig: $4.50 Each Dozen(12) for $45 3/8Oz/10gram jig: $3.50Each Dozen(12) for $35 1/4 Oz/7gram jig: $3.50Each Dozen(12) for $35 1/8 Oz/3.5gram jig: $3.50Each Dozen(12) for $30 (Customs Available) (Bulk Available)