판교에서 안동 가는 가장 좋은 방법이 뭘까요?
차 안가지구요. 가서 쏘카 이용하려구요. 안동. 예천을 한번도 안 가 봤어요. SRT가 안가네요.
백현동·생활/편의·Hello, I'm in my 30s, American, and I have lived in Bundang for 5 years. I'm looking to make some female friends, Korean or foreigner doesn't matter. I like to go for walks/exercise, travel, play board games, watch movies, and visit coffee shops/restaurants. Please send a message if you can speak English and are around my age :)
hi ! send me a message :)
How 😆?
Hi there! I’m in my 30s too and I’m from the states (TN to be specific) Been living in Korea for almost 11yrs now.. I am married w a kid BUT I’m down to meet new ppl since I don’t know any here lol I would like to go for walks/jogging in the evening if u r up for it!!
Hey, I'm also from TN too lol. I'm also up for getting coffee/taking a walk! :)
Wuuttttttt??? No way!!! Where in TN????
Chattanooga!! What about you??
Ahhh I beat u! I’m from Memphis! Aka Memphrica! lol
Niceee a lot of my college friends are from there. I def don't meet a lot of TN people in Korea
U r the first for me!! So I’m super excited in a way hahah and you live in Bundang! Crazy! Hope we all can meet up for a walk after Chuseok!
Oh! You can message me on Kakao if you want. ID: kaleigh
Hi, I am also in my 30s and live in Jeongjadong😆
I can't figure out how to send messages 😆 ...
Press the three dots on the side of the individual comments above and you should be able to send a private message.
I can’t figure it out either!! When I press the 3dots it only shows how to block and report the person
Hi 👋 I’m also in my 30s, a girl and I live near Jeongja station. I like yoga and walks. Vibe check? 😉
Hi can I join? I live in Pangyo now and lived in states for few years when I was little. I like reading, walking, mountains and trying new cafes and restaurants. Would love to have a non Korean friend! My kakao ID is haeri83.
Hey! Nice to meet you! I’m a 30-year-old office worker. I saw your post and got interested, so thought I'd drop a comment! How about grabbing a coffee after work or on the weekend? If you are interested , plz contact here https://open.kakao.com/o/s5a88iYg
hey what up
차 안가지구요. 가서 쏘카 이용하려구요. 안동. 예천을 한번도 안 가 봤어요. SRT가 안가네요.
백현동·생활/편의·어제는 딸기 두팩 9천원,오늘은 두팩 8천원 샤인도 한박스 만원 친절하시고 상품도 좋네요~~
구미1동·동네풍경·아직 이사온지 얼마 안돼서 혼자 한바퀴 뛰고 올려고 하는데 무섭지 않나요?ㅠㅠ
수내1동·운동·비싸게 팔고 일부러 사람 끌어 모을라고 많이 모여 있으니 사지마세요
수내동·동네사건사고·요즘 혼밥할 때마다 판교도서관 구내식당가는데 가성비 미친듯 퀄리티도 좋음