- 당일지급
- 후기 24
simple foreigner extra actor
이웃알바· 작성상세 정보
- 건당 5만원
- 동교동
- 총 4일 / 1월 8~11일
- 09:00~18:00 협의
상세 내용
Hello, we are Sookmyung Women's University student preparing to enter the International Advertising Festival. We are looking for a foreign actor to appear in our commercial. We are only going to shoot a video without lines. It's a really simple shoot! Our commercial uses a smartphone and provides a service to help you easily exercise your eyes. Please send me 2-3 selfies when you apply. Shooting date: Consultation Shooting time: 60 to 90 minutes (highly likely to end early) Shooting location: Hongdae Filming content: exercising eyes, blinking, smiling, using cell phones, etc Amount: KRW 50,000 Gender: Women in their 20s and 30s, height doesn't matter. It is submitted for a contest and is not used commercially. It's okay if you have little or no filming experience, so please feel free to contact us.To make it a fun experience, We will also do our best to use it as a portfolio in the future. We would appreciate it if you could contact us. Thank you.지원자 11·관심 7
알바에 지원하고 싶다면 당근 앱을 이용해주세요!
인기 당근알바
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