All of the products below are within two months of purchase. These are products that you don't have to worry about bacteria enough to lick with your tongue (currently enclosed with a mattress-only vinyl cover) Twin size mattress and frame (It's not Korean size. U.S. Twin size width x height please check the dimensions) First, the mattress. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07VZXTC72?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 July 29th (just think of it as August 1st) I bought it for 214.99 dollars. I bought it because it said it has a warranty period, so the sales rate is number one and the reviews are so good. Go to the link and check it out. As soon as you buy it, sterilize the mattress with alcohol and tissue. I'm currently putting on a new cover and keeping it in full plastic packaging. It's a famous mattress brand, and it's hard when it's fluffy and hard because it has a 7-tier foam. Hybrid mattress. Mattress Twin 10cm size Product information is It's the second metal black frame. Likewise, I bought it on August 1st. I bought it because I prefer to take off my slippers and go up high and sleep rather than a low-phase frame. The size of the new house is too small, so I put it out with the mattress. I've separated it now. I'll give it to you with the manual, so just tighten it with a six-angle wrench and it'll be done in 10 minutes. Currently, the Twin size black product is It's out of stock, so I can't see the homepage. You can see the purchase date and price below. I bought it for 139,99 dollars. Black metal frame Twin frame size https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08VJG192N? Psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details If you don't have a car, you can call an Uber or lift car XL and put it in the trunk (I put it in myself and it goes in) The location is 10 minutes by car from Finch Station. If you buy these two products together, Only $ 290 I'm giving you a cool deal