Very good condition, has been used lighly and is still as sturdy as it was when new. There are some cosmetic marks and scratches. Durable fiberglass construction. Three steps. Aluminium treads. Safe and sturdy. Great for various tasks. From the manufacturer: The large sturdy platform of the Keller Type 1 Fiberglass Podium Ladder makes you feel like you are standing on sturdy ground, it allows you to work facing any direction The wrap around guard rail provides security and an extra point of contact, while the top conveniently organizes your tools and accessories Offers the same reach height as a 5' (1.5 m) stepladder and is perfect for working at fixed heights Large standing platform for comfort Heavy duty grade 1/type 1 construction Slip-resistant steps Sturdy paint can holder comes attached to the top of the ladder Back-up plates reinforce all top connectors All the steps and 2 rear horizontals are knee-braced Load capacity: 250 lbs (113 kg) Reach height: 9' (2.7 m)