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    willOld E York
    64 reviews

    Interview Magazine Cyndi Lauper April 1986 Andy Warhol

    Books & Music ·


    Vintage April 1986 Andy Warhol’s Interview Magazine Cyndi Lauper Cover MUSIC Miles Davis Very good condition This is the entire magazine (not just the cover) 60.00 The music issue Cyndi Lauper cover Interview Magazine April 1986 CYNDI LAUPER Miles Davis Music Hardcore Jazz rare Flexible re pickup Elmsdale Road M4J 3M3 Donlands O'Connor East York Don Mills south exit off DVP Cyndi appeared and was interviewed for the April 1986 edition of the magazine while still riding high and touring from her 1983 album "She's So Unusual". It would be several months later that "True Colors" would be released and that was no doubt underway at the time of this cover. The glamorous illustration of Cyndi be-jewelled is striking. Please note condition issues with this cover, hence the lower price. Frame this up for your she shed, man cave, music studio or anywhere you like. We only have the cover. This is a Richard Bernstein illustration and he did the magazine covers from 1972 to 1987. Andy Warhol never created any of the covers (fun fact). ABOUT: As you probably know, the magazine was tabloid formatted which is where we get the term "tabloid" for cultural gossip publications and which means the cover is 11 in wide by 17 in tall (in this case 10.75x 16.75). The magazine switched around 1986 to a perfect bound format as the magazine got popular and thicker with advertisers. It had been a saddle-stitched binding previously and the magazine was printed on newsprint until that changed in the 90s. The cover is a thicker weight newsprint, full color, uncoated finish. The back of the front cover (page 2) features a Calvin Klein ad as was the case for many years, and the ads are iconic as well.

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