Huge cloth diaper lot. Everything you need to get started cloth diapering from bringing your baby home until potty training. Previously used for only one child. Diaper sizes are 8lbs -35 lbs (can be adjusted for premie or small babies using the newborn hack) unless otherwise noted. I've included training undies, a hanging mesh bag, changing pads, cloth wipes, some reusable liners, large wet bags, and an Ikea potty. Brands include Lil Helper, La Petite Ourse, Kawaii Baby, Planet Baby, Hanna Andersson, Super Undies, Lil Learnerz, and Kangacare. I bought the velcro ones for daycare use and the staff really appreciated it. Feel free to message with cloth diaper questions! Full details: 1 green ikea potty 2 change pads / lil helper mini mat 2 large wet bags lil helper 1 hanging mesh bag 3 Snappis 6 kangacare prefolds sz 3 6 kawaii baby covers (no insert) 10 kawaii baby Velcro pockets 15 lil helper sold colours AI2s (all in twos) 8 lil helper patterns AI2s 2 la petite ourse Velcro pockets 1 bum genius Velcro pocket 4 planet baby pockets 2 lil helper swim diapers like new condition 6 lil helper overnight inserts 4 super undies size small chameleon undies 10 super undies training pants s 2 lil learnerz be happy training pants xs 10 Hanna Andersson training undies xs 3 training undies generic s 1 burp cloth lil helper 12+ lil helper extra inserts (all lil helper diapers have inserts already assembled inside) 27 pocket diaper inserts Super undies extra absorbency inserts Pick up only. Islington and Dundas. E-transfer payment. Value: $1200 + My Price: $450 or best offer.
- ConditionGood
- Age0-2 years