A 20-gallon long aquarium tank with a black frame. It includes a filter and a heater. has glass canopy. stocking is 1 blue ram, 1 small pleco, a couple amano shrimp, several guppies, ramshorn snails same as above for a 10gallon Tanks. one is rectangle and the other is a bowl. does not have canopy due to hanging plants at tip growing out. bowl tank has acrylic round lid. 10g rectangle stocking is shrimp and snails. 10g bowl stocking is guppies and snails. both have ramshorn snails. includes aquarium stand for bowl tank. 29 gallon also with heater and filter. has glass canopy. contains 4 blue rams, several guppies, several galaxy rasbora, 1 small pleco, ramshorn snails. includes aquarium stand. comes with air pumps, lines, spare filter floss and a light for each tank. moving sale pickup only