보드 게임 Board game Theomachy



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보드 게임 Board game Theomachy

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We have a small kid, so no time for board games. I am selling some of my collection. Games are in English, organized, often sleeved, in near mint condition.

Here is one of the pearls of my collextion: Theomachy (KS edition with all extras: Ancients stand alone, Warrior Gods stand alone, New Blood expansion, a large high quality playmat, and the deluxe poker chips) worth $175ead more about it at (운영 정책에 의한 URL 자동 숨김)

good for larger groups who like poker mechanics (and Cthulhu :). it's a bit expensive b/c deluxe poker chips are, well, deluxe - heavy and nice :) like real good poker chips. There is also a playmat, really large.

관심 0 ∙ 채팅 0 ∙ 조회 17

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